
ave you had or are you considering cosmetic procedures such as liposuction? If so, have you looked into what risks there are post-surgery?

After an invasive procedure, such as liposuction, there is always the possibility of developing fibrosis, just as after any surgery or wound on the skin. In the event that fibrosis develops, it often manifests in the region surrounding the incision sites. It's possible that a number of things are to blame, but the good news is that the condition can be treated.

It is of the utmost importance to be informed of the likelihood of developing fibrosis prior to undergoing any kind of cosmetic surgery. Therefore, in this section, we will take a more in-depth look at this problem as well as the solutions that are available to you.

At Elite Practitioner, we offer many solutions, including manual lymphatic drainage massages and vitamin shots, to give you the best post-op options for your recovery.

What Exactly Is Fibrosis?

There is a possibility that fibrous tissues will grow throughout the healing process. This has the potential to result in fibrosis, which is the production of extra fibrous tissue.

In addition to this, the development of fibrosis causes the tissue that surrounds the damaged location to swell and become thicker. As a direct result of this, the region will become far more rigid. The unpleasant physical manifestations of fibrosis, such as lumps or bruises, can take a variety of forms.

How Are Fibroses Identifiable?

Following procedures, lumps, and bumps are common as fluid and cellular debris fill the gaps left by the cannula insertion.

Following liposuction or any other invasive procedure, the tissue begins to feel tougher around two weeks later as the body begins to metabolize the thicker components that are left behind after the majority of the fluid has been reabsorbed.

A sticky or putty-like sensation may be present in the region, making it seem lumpy and bumpy. This is common and is treated with appropriate compression and manual lymphatic massage.

Nevertheless, fibrosis is not yet present; this is typical. After the first month or two, fibrosis begins to form and may be recognized by its characteristic look.

Any place can experience fibrosis following liposuction, although the flanks and upper abdomen are two typical locations.

After invasive procedures, how does fibrosis feel? A symptom that you have fibrosis is if the tissues feel "stuck," stiff, wrinkled, or leathery.

After procedures like liposuction, fibrosis can go away for some people after a year or two.

But it can also persist in some patients for longer periods of time, altering their look, causing pain, and limiting their range of motion.

Possible Reasons Behind Fibrosis

Many different possible triggers might lead to fibrosis. These are the following:

  • Necrosis of the fat, which occurs when non-vascularized fat that is not retrieved builds up in the area where the surgeon inserts the thin cannula into the body, is known as fat necrosis. The fat begins to deteriorate and transform into fibrosis.
  • A possible side effect of invasive procedures is the accumulation of collagen, which can occur when the operation causes collagen fibers to become dislodged. As a result, fibrous regions start to emerge.
  • Fibrosis may develop if an individual consumes insufficient minerals, proteins, and vitamins. Inadequate nourishment throughout the healing process or before it begins slows the healing process and reduces the wound's strength.
  • Some varieties of skin quality heal more quickly than others. The likelihood of developing fibrosis differs according to the type of skin an individual possesses.
  • Smoking slows the healing of wounds and contributes to the production of scars, both of which are undesirable outcomes. The normal physiology of inflammation is disrupted when someone smokes. Therefore, it is necessary to give up smoking before and after your surgery.
  • Venous insufficiency induces fibrosis because oxygen and nutrients are unable to reach the tissue that is mending since there is insufficient blood flow. As a consequence of this, the cells perish, which leads to the destruction of the tissues and the development of fibrosis.

The variables listed below are some of those that increase the likelihood of developing fibrosis:

  1. Genetics
  2. The magnitude of the wound.
  3. Whether or not you have a sedentary lifestyle,
  4. Ignoring the instructions given by your surgeon about how to correctly wear your compression garment.

How Will I Know Whether I've Developed Fibrosis?

It is common to suffer some level of discomfort following any form of surgical procedure. On the other hand, once two to three weeks have gone, it will often start to get better.

It's possible that you have fibrosis if the discomfort doesn't go away or keeps coming back. Muscular tension in the affected regions is another indication that fibrosis is present.

Following a procedure like liposuction, it is common to have swelling as well as irritation.

However, if the lumps are still there after one month following the treatment, this may be an indication of fibrosis.

After invasive operations, it is not uncommon for patients to experience some degree of skin redness. It is possible that you have fibrosis if the lumps do not go away with time or if there are more of them.

Can I Take Precautions to Avoid or Treat Fibrosis?

Yes, you can.

To prevent fibrosis, you might want to consider getting manual lymphatic drainage. A better flow of blood throughout the body is one of the goals of this treatment, which helps to achieve this goal.

Additionally, it assists in the removal of fluids, enhances immunity, and improves the overall look of the skin. As a result, manual lymphatic drainage is an effective method for treating fibrosis that occurs after liposuction.

However, prevention is always preferable to treatment. As a result, it is absolutely necessary to make enough preparations for your surgery. It's possible that taking vitamins A and C will lower your risk of contracting fibrosis.

What Is Manual Lymphatic Massage?

Performing a mild manual lymphatic massage in such a way as to encourage the circulation of lymph fluids throughout the body is known as manual lymphatic drainage. This is because the process of eliminating and minimizing the number of toxins in your body involves the lymphatic system.

Lymph fluids may move freely through a healthy body because of the pressure that your blood vessels exert and the action that your muscles create.

However, several conditions may make it difficult for lymph fluids to circulate correctly throughout the body.

If you've had surgery that results in an excessive amount of lymph fluid being created, your body might not be able to naturally remove them the way it usually can.

If your lymphatic system does not operate well on its own, it is important to receive a little help from a gentle lymphatic drainage massage. This support may be very useful. The lymph fluids currently existing in your body will travel quicker as a result.

Is There Any Treatment Available to Prevent the Development of Fibrosis?

Currently, no medical therapy or pharmaceutical product is available that may prevent, halt, or reverse the consequences of fibrosis.

On the other hand, taking vitamins A and C may be able to aid you in minimizing the risk of getting fibrosis.

Vitamin A

  • Allows for the promotion of healing.
  • Controls how quickly the epidermis's metabolic cells may reproduce themselves.
  • Improves the tone and overall texture of the skin by making it softer.
  • Stimulates the production of collagen (key for wound healing).

Vitamin C

  • Required for the continued development of tissues.
  • Restores normal function to every component of the body.
  • Produce an essential protein that is incorporated into the construction of tissues such as skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels.
  • Treat wounds and generate scar tissue as necessary.
  • Restore cartilage as well as the bones and teeth, and keep them in good condition.

What's Next?

Our professionals at Elite Practitioner are here to assist you if you have any questions regarding post-surgery treatments or what aftercare you should consider employing after having an invasive procedure, such as manual lymphatic drainage and vitamin shots.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any queries.

Check out what we have to offer and where you can find us now for more details on anything and everything related to cosmetic surgery.

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