Before & After Gallery

Individual results may vary.

PRP Restoration

Case ID: 2849

Before Image: PRP Restoration - front After Image: PRP Restoration - front

This client received PRP Restoration Package injected into her under eyes to promote collagen stimulation and provide more volume to the area. Three sessions are required minimally to achieve consistent results. This client received lip fillers and PRP injections under the eyes and smile lines.

PRP Restoration

Cheek Filler

Case ID: 2844

Before Image: Cheek Filler - front After Image: Cheek Filler - front

This client had 3 syringes of cheek and under eye filler placed over the course of 1 year. This is immediately after placing 2 syringes for her maintenance plan. The goal was to refresh and restore.

Cheek Filler

Lip Filler

Case ID: 2686

Before Image: Lip Filler - front After Image: Lip Filler - front

This client loved the shape of her lips but requested more volume. This took 1 syringe of filler to achieve her preferred look.

Lip Filler

Lip Filler

Case ID: 2684

Before Image: Lip Filler - front After Image: Lip Filler - front

This client came in looking for volume and with just 1 syringe of lip filler we delivered a more structured shape and volume.

Lip Filler

Lip Flip

Case ID: 2683

Before Image: Lip Flip - front After Image: Lip Flip - front

This client requested tox (Botox, neuromodulators) to create a less “gummy” and brighter smile. For this procedure tox is used rather than filler to make subtle alterations.

Lip Flip


Case ID: 2681

Before Image: Botox - front After Image: Botox - front

This client wanted to soften the hard lines and creasing when being expressive to prevent deep line formation.



Case ID: 2679

Before Image: Botox - front After Image: Botox - front

This client came in requested tox treatments to maintain clear movement without the deep line and creasing.


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